Jodi L. WymanChild Support During Post-Secondary StudiesParents may still need to support their adult kids in their post-secondary studies, but how much do they have to pay?
Drake BodieDoes Receiving Government Assistance Change Child Support Obligations for Adult Children with Disabilities?When a disabled adult child begins receiving government aid, this article unpacks how courts navigate child support legal factors.
Shaylan R. CottickDetermining If You’ve Separated from Your SpouseHow does the Court determine if a couple has separated if they’re still living in the family home together? This is a complicated issue...
Jodi L. WymanTax TimeApril is known as the month most of us have to ensure we get our personal income tax returns filed. It also is the time for some...
Jodi L. WymanWill Q & A with Jodi L. WymanWhy should you have a Will? By having a legal document in place for when you die, you save your loved ones a great deal of time, trouble...
Matthew B. BluntWho Can View My Will?During your lifetime, you can show your Will to anyone you wish. It is a good idea to provide a copy of your Will to your executor and to l
Patersons LLPUncontested Divorces and Separation AgreementsFamily law cases are unpredictable, and for that reason it is difficult to provide an estimate as to the cost. However, for...
Patersons LLPMediation and ArbitrationWhat is Mediation Mediation involves both spouses hiring an independent and trained person to help them discuss and negotiate the issues...